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Board of Advisors

Board of Advisors at Reynolds Lake Oconee

The Board of Advisors (BOA), composed of 11 Members, represents a cross-section of property owners. It meets quarterly and acts in an advisory capacity by providing input to Reynolds management about policies and programs. The Board of Advisors is one of the primary communications links between the company and its Members.

As an advisory group that assists with soliciting Member feedback, the Members at Large (MAL) on the BOA bring ideas, opinions, views, and advice to Reynolds Lake Oconee management and the BOA. They also participate in various ad hoc committees and task forces including the Employee Appreciation Fund and Board Communications.


Effective Date: March 8, 2024


General Requirements
1. Applicants should meet the qualifications outlined for the position in which they wish to serve. Reynolds Lake Oconee (RLO) Management will provide Club participation data relative to the selection criteria as requested by the BOA members.

2. If a sufficient number of qualified candidates do not volunteer to fill the open positions, additional candidates may be solicited by current Committee members and BOA members. If interested, these candidates will then submit completed applications for consideration.

3. All BOA members and Committee members must be available for the majority of all meetings and associated BOA, MAL, and Committee functions. Members who cannot or do not regularly attend meetings and/or participate in Committee, MAL, and/or BOA functions may be replaced upon BOA approval.

4. Except for those candidates filling unexpired current member terms, all new Committee Chairs and Committee members will be appointed to serve a three-year term  and may not apply to another Committee position until the current Committee term has been completed; provided, however, Committee members who will have completed at least one year’s service on a Committee prior to the beginning of an MAL term may apply to be considered for an MAL position.

5. Except for those candidates filling an unexpired MAL position, a new MAL generally will be appointed to serve a three-year term unless a different term length is approved by the BOA.

6.  The BOA Vice-Chair shall be elected by vote of the BOA Members and shall serve a term of one year.  After serving one year as BOA Vice-Chair, the Vice-Chair shall serve an additional one year as BOA Chair.

7.  Two members from a single household shall not be permitted to serve simultaneously on the BOA, the same Committee, nor as MALs during any portion of the term periods which overlap.

8. Individuals shall not serve simultaneously on two Committees or as a Committee member and a MAL or serve a second consecutive three-year term in the same position. The BOA by majority vote may extend an individual’s term when deemed necessary.

9.  A primary focus of RLO is real estate sales and development. No applicant, nor his/her spouse or significant other, who is an active real estate agent in the Lake Oconee area will be considered for BOA or Committee positions. If a BOA or Committee member or his/her spouse or significant other becomes an active real estate agent in the Lake Oconee area during his/her tenure, then that individual will be required to resign from his/her BOA or Committee position. These requirements are to avoid any potential conflict of interest and the risk of inappropriate use or disclosure of privileged information.

10. All applicants for BOA or Committee positions are subject to RLO Management initial and on-going approval.
Member Requirements
1.  Committee Chairs, MALs, the Vice-Chair, and the Chair must be Members of the Club at RLO.
2.  Consideration of a candidate is contingent upon verification by the Membership Department that the candidate is a “Member in good standing.”
Resignation, Incapacitation, or Death and Replacement Procedure
1. If a Committee member or MAL is unable to complete his/her term, he/she must submit a resignation in writing, if possible, to the Committee Chair or the Lead MAL. If the person is unable to submit a resignation, the Committee Chair, Lead MAL, or BOA Chair will notify the BOA and ELO Management of the need for a replacement. 

2. Replacements will be considered first from the most recent application process. If there are no qualified candidates can be solicited by current Committee members or MALs. Solicited candidates must complete the appropriate application for consideration. A Committee Chair has the option of not filling that Committee slot until the next election cycle. 

3. The open position will be filled according to this document, Board of Advisors (BOA), Members at Large (MAL), & Committee Application, Term, and Process Guidelines. 

4. Each replacement will serve the remaining unexpired term of the member he/she is replacing. The term will end with the normal replacement process. Replacements who serve less than 18 months may apply for a subsequent full three-year term. Replacements who serve 18 months or greater may not apply for a subsequent term on the Committee or as an MAL. 

5. If Committee Chair or Lead MAL is unable to serve his/her term, he/she will submit a resignation in writing, if possible, to the BOA Chair along with a recommendation from the existing Committee members or other MALs for her/her replacement.  

 6.  Any new Committee Chair or Lead MAL must have completed at least one year on the Committee or as a MAL prior to starting his/her term as Committee Chair or Lead MAL. The BOA Vice-Chair will assist the departing Committee Chair or Lead MAL to identify and recommend a Committee member or MAL for approval by the BOA. The departing Chair or Lead MAL will present the recommendation to the BOA and RLO Management for approval.
7.  If a Committee Chair is unable to select a replacement, the BOA Vice-Chair will make the recommendation. If the departing position is the Lead MAL, the MALs, in conjunction with the Vice-Chair, will recommend a new Lead. Replacements for Committee Chair or the Lead MAL require BOA approval.
8.  The BOA Chair will present the recommendation to the BOA and RLO Management for approval.
9.  A Committee Chair replacement will serve a minimum of 2.5 to a maximum of 3.5 years depending on the month in which he/she starts – unless he/she is selected to serve as BOA Vice-Chair by the Board. The Committee Chair term will end with the normal replacement process. Lead MAL replacements will finish the current term of the replaced Lead.
10.  Each year the BOA Chair, the BOA Vice-Chair, and RLO Management will review and approve each Committee Chair’s and Lead MAL’s planned turnover including filling any unexpired term(s) and/or planned ‘term extension’ for the next year. Each plan should be consistent with Section 3. under “Committees.” The Chair of the BOA will present the plan(s) at the June BOA meeting for the approval of the BOA.
Board of Advisors
1. The current members of the BOA will approve the selection of new members.

2. Terms of office will be a maximum of three years with the exception of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the BOA, who will serve a one-year term each. A member shall not serve more than one term of three consecutive years - unless such term is extended by the BOA.
3.   The composition of the BOA is eleven (11) members:
• BOA Chair
• BOA Vice-Chair
• Events Committee Chair
• Food & Beverage Committee Chair
• Golf Committee Chair
• Greens Committee Chair
• Wellness & Recreation Committee Chair
• Lead Member at Large
• Member at Large
• Member at Large
• Member at Large
4.   Each Committee Chair will serve on both his/her Committee and the BOA. He/she will not serve simultaneously on any other Committee.
Chair of the Board
1. The current Vice-Chair of the Board will automatically become Chair of the Board upon the expiration of his/her one-year term as Vice-Chair.
2. The Chair of the Board will serve one year.
3. Should the Vice-Chair be unable or unwilling to serve as Chair, the BOA will elect a new Chair using the same procedures as for the election of the Vice-Chair, unless the BOA votes to extend the term of the Chair for one additional year.
Vice-Chair of the Board
1. Members who have completed one, two, or three years of service on the BOA by the start of the next Vice-Chair’s term are eligible to be elected as Vice-Chair of the BOA.

2. The new Vice-Chair will be selected by secret ballot to serve the following year.
3. If only a single candidate agrees to serve, a secret ballot will be conducted, and he/she will be elected if he/she receives a majority of the votes.
4. If there are multiple candidates, a candidate must receive the majority of the votes cast to be elected. If no candidate receives the majority of the votes cast on the first ballot, the BOA will vote again by secret ballot, eliminating candidates who are not r tied with the top vote-getters. Secret ballots will continue until one candidate receives the majority of the votes cast.
5. In the event, after the election described in 4. above, the Vice-Chair-Elect is unable or unwilling to assume the Vice-Chair position in January, the BOA member with the second most votes for the Vice-Chair position will be selected (if willing and able to serve) as the Vice-Chair-Elect (to begin serving as the Vice-Chair in January). If there are two or more candidates each with the second most votes (each willing and able to serve), the Vice-Chair-Elect will be selected by secret ballot between those eligible candidates. If there is only a single candidate during the original election, a new Vice-Chair-Elect will be selected by secret ballot as described in 1., 2., and 3. above.
6. BOA members not present may vote in absentia according to this document, Board of Advisors (BOA), Members at Large (MAL), & Committee Application, Term, and Process Guidelines. If the person they have voted for is in the runoff(s), their vote will continue to count. However, if the person who they have voted for is eliminated, their vote will no longer count.
The vacant position created by the new Vice-Chair will be filled in accordance with this document, Board of Advisors (BOA), Members at Large (MAL), & Committee Application, Term, and Process Guidelines.
Committee Chair
 1. A departing Committee Chair, in concert with the Vice-Chair, will provide the name of his/her replacement from the existing Committee to the BOA for its approval at the June BOA meeting.
2. Members who have completed one, two, or three years of service on the Committee by the start of the next Committee Chair’s term are eligible to be selected. The term as Committee Chair on the BOA will start afresh regardless of the previous time served as a Committee member.
1. Those Members in the Club at RLO who are interested in serving on a Committee will submit an application on the RLO Member website which will subsequently be forwarded to the Committee Chair. These applications will be reviewed by the Committee Chair, presented to the Committee members for review, an interview process will occur, and selection of Candidates for Committee membership shall be determined in a manner by each Committee.
2. Committees shall consist of twelve members, ideally with four members’ terms expiring each year. The BOA may extend a Committee member’s term in order to achieve needed Committee continuity.
Members at Large (MAL)
 1. Only a current Committee member who will have served one year prior to the start of an open MAL term is eligible to apply for an MAL position.

2. Committee members of the Club at RLO who are interested in serving as a MAL must submit an application on the RLO Member website which will subsequently be forwarded to the MALs for review, an interview process will occur and selection of candidate(s) for an MAL position shall be determined in a manner determined by the MALs.
Application and Selection Timeline
May Committee Meetings
  •  A complete list of Committee members with ending terms will be provided by the MAL in charge of the applications process.
  • A copy of the candidate application, selection criteria, and nomination process will be provided.
  • The Committee Chairs will review the application and selection process with their Committees.
May Communications from the BOA Chair
  • The BOA Chair will confirm with all eligible BOA candidates their ability and willingness to be considered as the next BOA Vice-Chair. Members of the BOA will be advised of the BOA candidates interested in serving as the next BOA Vice-Chair and will be requested to be prepared to cast a vote at the June BOA meeting.
June BOA Meeting
  • A complete list of BOA and Committee members with ending terms will be provided.
  • A candidate who is a Committee Chair or Lead MAL willing to be considered for the Vice-Chair position of the BOA will be asked to identify his/her replacement, should he/she be elected at the June BOA meeting.
  • The application process, guidelines, and selection criteria will be reviewed.
  • A ballot will be cast among the BOA to select the incoming BOA Vice-Chair as described under the Vice-Chair of the BOA section.
The newly elected BOA Vice-Chair will adjust the number of his/her Committee/MAL openings accordingly.
Any departing Committee Chair/Lead MAL will provide the name for his/her replacement from the existing Committee members or MALs to the BOA for approval. Once approved, it is acceptable for the Committee Chair/Lead MAL to discuss the potential nomination with the Chair candidate to confirm willingness to serve. This information will be provided at this time as it may affect the number of positions open.
  • The BOA Chair will send out an e-mail invitation to all Club Members at the start of the application process (June 15) seeking volunteers to fill open Committee positions.
  • The BOA Chair will send out an e-mail invitation to all current Committee members who will have completed at least one year’s service on a Committee to volunteer to serve as an MAL.
  • Committee Chairs and Lead MAL will acknowledge to all candidates that their applications have been received, the process for selection, and the date by which they will be notified of the results.

  •  After the application process ends (July 15), the MAL in charge of the application process will provide an entire list of candidates to RLO Management, as soon as possible.
  • Applicants should not be interviewed until it is confirmed they are eligible to serve on the BOA as an MAL or as Committee member.
  • RLO Management will confirm with Committee Chairs/MALs that candidates are Members in good standing. Applicants who have applied to multiple Committees will be identified. RLO Management will provide specific data relative to the selection criteria as requested by the Committee Chairs. Members who have submitted applications to multiple Committees/MAL positions will be contacted by the Committee Chairs and/or Lead MAL to prioritize their selections. This way there will be no confusion as to which Committee has the right of first refusal in its selection process.
  • Once RLO Management has completed its review of the applicants, the Committees/MALs will begin interviewing applicants.

August Committee/MAL Meetings 
  • Each Committee Chair with an ending term will provide the name of his/her successor to the Committee.
  • The name of the newly elected BOA Vice-Chair will be announced to the Committees.
  • Committees and MALs will review all candidates interviewed to select new Committee members/MALs.
  • Given that MALs are selected from existing Committee members, the Lead MAL will advise the Chair(s) of the Committee(s) as to each Committee member who applies for a new MAL position. If that Committee member is not one who will be rotating off the Committee at the end of the year, the Committee Chair should ensure there is a replacement for the Committee member applying for the MAL position in the event such Committee member is selected.
  • Once each Committee and MALs make their selections for open Committee member/MAL positions, such selections are immediately effective without further approval of the BOA or RLO Management.  However, the list of newly selected Committee members/MALs will be sent to all BOA members and RLO Management as soon as possible after the August meetings.
  • Notification by the Committee Chair and Lead MAL to successful candidates, as well as notification to unsuccessful candidates, should be made as soon as possible after the August meetings.
  • Each Committee and the MALs should select an alternate for each open position in the event that a candidate declines the appointment.  In the event that an alternate fills an open position, the Committee Chair and/or Lead MAL should contact the BOA Chair as soon as possible to update the composition of the Committee membership/MALs.

The Board of Advisors may amend these guidelines at any time it is deemed necessary subject to the approval of RLO Management.

Guidelines & Requirements for Committee Membership
Events Committee
The Events Committee reviews, critiques, and provides recommendations for social events at Reynolds Lake Oconee (RLO) to promote a level of interest and participation by Members and to evaluate the cost and value of events. The Committee also suggests new events and assists the RLO staff in the planning and coordination.
General Requirements
  • Be a Member in good standing of the Club at RLO and maintain Member in good standing status throughout his/her term on the Events Committee.  
  • May not be an active real estate agent in the Lake Oconee area (includes spouse/significant other).
  • Agree to attend four regular and specially called meetings and to dedicate the time required to complete the committee work.
  •  Possess experience and knowledge necessary to participate in the activities of the Events Committee.
  • Commit to serve a three-year term and, if selected, serve as a Chair of the Events Committee or an ad hoc committee.
  • Promote, review, analyze, critique, and provide recommendations for the improvement of all areas of responsibility of the Events Committee.
  • Eagerness to ascertain and communicate Member ideas, issues, and concerns to the Board of Advisors (BOA) and RLO Management and to convey RLO Management’s response back to Members.
Personal Qualities and Experience
  • Proficiency as a team player with the ability to act without self-interest, understand group dynamics and work within the group in a collaborative manner.
  • Strong verbal and writing skills with the ability to express an opinion concisely and effectively.
  • Keen listening skills honoring the opinions of others.
  • Recognition and observance of confidentially when appropriate.
  • Professional and/or volunteer leadership experience.
  • Current or past involvement in volunteer organizations and boards.
Events Committee Specific Criteria
  • Participation in Events Committee events and functions in the past two years.
  • Ability and willingness to attend at least 20% of the yearly social and cultural events.
  • Capability to review décor, entertainment, and menus for all events.
  • Background, knowledge, or interest in food and beverage.
Guidelines and Requirements for Committee Membership
Food & Beverage Committee
The Food & Beverage Committee communicates Member ideas and suggestions for food and beverage operations to RLO Management and reports specific dining experiences, both positive and negative. The Committee recommends changes to menus and restaurant procedures as needed to accommodate Members and increase facility use. It assists management by communicating with the Membership about food and beverage operations.
General Requirements
  •  Be a Member in good standing of the Club at RLO and maintain Member in good standing status throughout his/her term on the Food & Beverage Committee.
  • May not be an active real estate agent in the Lake Oconee area (includes spouse/significant other).
  • Agree to attend quarterly and specially called meetings and to dedicate the time required to complete the Food & Beverage Committee work.
  • Possess experience and knowledge necessary to participate in the activities of the Food & Beverage Committee.
  • Commit to serve a three-year term and, if selected, serve as a Chair of the Food & Beverage Committee or an ad hoc committee.
  • Promote, review, analyze, critique, and provide recommendations for the improvement of all areas of responsibility of the Food & Beverage Committee.
  • Eagerness to ascertain and communicate Member ideas, issues, and concerns to the BOA and RLO Management and to convey Management’s response back to Members.
Personal Qualities and Experience
  • Proficiency as a team player with the ability to act without self-interest, understand group dynamics, and work within the group in a collaborative manner.
  • Strong verbal and writing skills with the ability to express an opinion concisely and effectively.
  • Keen listening skills honoring the opinions of others.
  • Recognition and observance of confidentially, when appropriate.
  • Professional and/or volunteer leadership experience.
  • Current or past involvement in volunteer organizations and boards.

Food & Beverage Specific Criteria
  • Background, knowledge, or interest in food and beverage.
  • Familiarity with existing menus with ideas for changes.
  • Frequent use of various clubhouses and snack bars.
  • Ability to collect Membership dining experiences, both positive and negative, and communicate them to RLO Management in a timely manner.
  • Ideas for improvement of dining experiences.
  • Eagerness to attend training sessions with Food & Beverage Management and staff.
  • Commitment to participate in an educational lunch or dinner service tour that includes meeting the restaurant manager, chef, and staff, observing food preparation, and service delivery.
  • Readiness to complete Venue Reviews/Reports an average of once a week.

Guidelines and Requirements for Committee Membership
Golf Committee
The Golf Committee provides input to RLO Management concerning Member tournaments, operational golf policies that interface with Members, and the management of the Handicap Committee. It provides an informational link between Members and RLO Management to resolve problems and enforce a handicap process that is fair and equitable for all Members. The Golf Committee is the link between RLO Management and the Membership to promote continuous improvement for all Members and their golf experience at Reynolds.
General Requirements
  • Be a Member in good standing of the Club at RLO. and maintain Member in good standing status throughout his/her term on the Golf Committee
  • May not be an active real estate agent in the Lake Oconee area (includes spouse/significant other).
  • Agree to attend quarterly and special called meetings and to dedicate the time required to complete the Golf Committee work.
  • Possess experience and knowledge necessary to participate in the activities of the Golf Committee.
  • Commit to serve a three-year term and, if selected, serve as a Chair of the Golf Committee or its three ad hoc sub-committees (Tournaments, Operations, and Handicap).
  • Promote, review, analyze, critique, and provide recommendations for the improvement of all areas of responsibility of the Golf Committee.
  • Eagerness to ascertain and communicate all Member ideas, issues and concerns to the BOA and RLO Management and to convey Management’s response back to Members.
Personal Qualities and Experience
  • Proficiency as a team player with the ability to act without self-interest, understand group dynamics, and work within the group in a collaborative manner.
  • Strong verbal and writing skills with the ability to express an opinion concisely.
  • Keen listening skills honoring the opinions of others.
  • Recognition and observance of confidential information when appropriate.
  • Professional and/or volunteer leadership experience.
Golf Committee-Specific Criteria
  • Participation in various tournaments over a three-year period.
  •  Previous committee experiences that are golf-related (former clubs).
  • Familiar with handicap processes.
Guidelines and Requirements for Committee Membership
Greens Committee
The Greens Committee provides and seeks input regarding golf course conditions and maintenance practices, from a Member’s perspective. This information is reported in a systematic manner to the Vice-President of Agronomy and the golf course superintendents. The Greens Committee also communicates pertinent information to the RLO Members.
General Requirements
  • Be a Member in good standing of the Club at RLO and maintain Member in good standing status throughout his/her term on the Greens Committee.
  • May not be an active real estate agent in the Lake Oconee area (includes spouse/significant other).
  • Agree to attend quarterly and special called meetings and to dedicate the time required to complete the Greens Committee work.
  • Possess experience and knowledge necessary to participate in the activities of the Greens Committee.
  • Commit to serve a three-year term and, if selected, serve as a Chair of the Greens Committee or an ad hoc committee.
  • , review, analyze, critique, and provide recommendations for the improvement of all areas of responsibility of the Greens Committee.
  • Eagerness to ascertain and communicate Member ideas, issues, and concerns to the BOA and RLO Management and to convey Management’s response back to Members.
Personal Qualities and Experience
  • Proficiency as a team player with the ability to act without self-interest, understand group dynamics, and work within the group in a collaborative manner.
  • Strong verbal and writing skills with the ability to express an opinion concisely and effectively.
  • Keen listening skills honoring the opinions of others.
  • Recognition and observance of confidentiality when appropriate.
  • Professional and/or volunteer leadership experience.
  • Current or past involvement in volunteer organizations and boards.
Greens Committee Specific Criteria
  • Active Member of the golf community at any handicap level.
  • Plays a variety of Reynolds golf courses at least six times each month.
  • Familiarity with golf course maintenance is helpful.
Guidelines and Requirements for Committee Membership
Wellness & Recreation Committee
The Wellness & Recreation Committee reviews tennis and pickleball tournaments and programs, children’s programs, fitness training and classes, lake activities supported by the marinas, and other recreation-related events on a regular basis and communicates its findings and recommendations to RLO Management for review and implementation.
General Requirements
  • Be a Member in good standing of the Club at RLO and maintain Member in good standing status throughout his/her term on the Wellness & Recreation Committee
  • May not be an active real estate agent in the Lake Oconee area (includes spouse/significant other)
  • Agree to attend quarterly and special called meetings and to dedicate the time required to complete the Wellness & Recreation Committee work.
  • Possess the experience and knowledge necessary to participate in the activities of the Wellness & Recreation Committee.
  • Commit to serve a three-year term and, if selected, serve as a Chair of the Wellness & Recreation Committee or an ad hoc committee.
  • Promote, review, analyze, critique, and provide recommendations for the improvement of all areas of responsibility of the Wellness & Recreation Committee.
  • Eagerness to ascertain and communicate Member ideas, issues, and concerns to the BOA and RLO Management and to convey Management’s response back to Members.
Personal Qualities and Experience
  • Proficiency as a team player with the ability to act without self-interest, understand group dynamics, and work within the group in a collaborative manner.
  • Strong verbal and writing skills with the ability to express an opinion concisely and effectively.
  • Keen listening skills honoring the opinions of others.
  • Recognition and observance of confidentiality, when appropriate.
  • Professional and/or volunteer leadership experience.
  • Current or past involvement in volunteer organizations and boards.
Wellness & Recreation Committee Specific Criteria
  •  Participant in various tennis, pickleball, fitness, wellness, or other recreational activities.
  • Enthusiastic about helping to identify and develop new programs.
  • Willingness to work with other clubs to benchmark current and new programs.
Guidelines for Membership
Members at Large
Four (4) Members at Large (MALs) serve on the BOA and are selected from BOA Committee membership based on an application and interview process. The MALs oversee the BOA/Committee new member application process and onboarding of new Committee members/MALs, provide leadership of the annual Employee Appreciation Fund campaign, and prepare the MAL and BOA Minutes, as well as oversee publication of The Highlights. In addition, the MALs bring ideas and advice to RLO Management and the BOA on programs, opinions, and views that are not related to specific Committee activities.
General Requirements for MALs
  • Be a Member in good standing of the Club at RLO and maintain Member in good standing status throughout his/her term as an MAL.
  • May not be an active real estate agent in the Lake Oconee area (includes spouse/significant other).
  • Agree to attend quarterly and special called meetings and dedicate the time required to complete the assigned projects.
  • Agree to serve as Vice-Chair of the BOA, if elected, and then Chair following the Vice-Chair term.
  • Possess knowledge and experience necessary to participate in activities and work efforts assigned to the MALs
  • Commit to serve a three-year term.
  • Promote, review, analyze, critique, and provide recommendations for improvements in all areas of responsibility of the MAL position.
  • Ascertain and communicate Member ideas, issues and concerns to the BOA and RLO Management and convey Management’s response back to Members.
Personal Qualities and Experience
  • Proficiency as a team player with the ability to act without self-interest, understand group dynamics, and work within the group in a collaborative manner.
  • Strong verbal and written skills with the ability to express an opinion concisely and effectively.
  • Keen listening skills honoring the opinions of others.
  • Recognition and observance of confidentiality when appropriate.
  • Professional and/or volunteer leadership experience.
  • Current or past involvement in volunteer organizations and boards.
MALs Specific Criteria
  • General understanding and appreciation of the amenities and operation of RLO.
  • Familiarity with effective methods of communicating to RLO Membership.
  • Appreciation for the diverse opinions of RLO Membership.
  • Ability to assist and remain objective in the development of a shared vision.
Effective Date: March 8, 2024


Committee Descriptions – Board of Advisors
The Board of Advisors (BOA), comprised of eleven (11) Members, represents a cross-section of property owners. It meets quarterly and acts in an advisory capacity by providing input to Reynolds Lake Oconee (RLO) Management about policies and programs. The BOA is one of the primary communications links between RLO and its Members. The Committees of the BOA function as follows:

The Events Committee reviews, critiques, and provides recommendations for social events at RLO to promote a level of interest and participation by Members and to evaluate the cost and value of events. The Events Committee also suggests new events and assists the Reynolds staff in the planning and coordination.

The Food & Beverage Committee communicates Member ideas and suggestions for the food and beverage operations to RLO Management and reports specific experiences that Members have had during dining, both positive and negative. The Food & Beverage Committee suggests changes to menus and to restaurant procedures as needed to accommodate Members and to increase the use of facilities. It assists RLO Management by communicating with the Membership about food and beverage operations.

The Golf Committee works to ensure that the golf experience at Reynolds is enjoyed by golfers of all skill levels. The Golf Committee does this by providing input to Reynolds Management concerning golf programs and policies. The Golf Committee focuses on tournament play and golf operations including new Member orientation, rules of golf, and daily golf operations. Finally, the Golf Committee manages and administers the local Handicap system. The Golf Committee's information link between Members and Reynolds Management ensures that the enjoyment of our golf experience will always grow and meet the expectations of our Membership.

The Greens Committee provides and seeks input regarding golf course conditions and maintenance practices from a Member’s perspective and reports this information, in a systematic manner, to the Vice President of Agronomy. The Greens Committee also communicates pertinent information to RLO Members.

The Wellness & Recreation Committee reviews tennis and pickleball tournaments and programs, family and children’s programs, fitness training, and classes, lake activities supported by the marinas, pools, and other recreation-related events on a regular basis and communicates its findings and recommendations to RLO Management for review and implementation.
Four (4) Members at Large (MALs) serve on the BOA and are selected from BOA Committee membership based on an application and interview process. The MALs oversee the BOA/Committee new member application process and onboarding of new Committee members/MALs, provide leadership of the annual Employee Appreciation Fund campaign, and prepare the MAL and BOA Minutes, as well as oversee the publication of The Highlights. In addition, the MALs bring ideas and advice to RLO Management and the BOA on programs, opinions, and views that are not related to specific Committee activities.
This information and current Committee member names are listed at under the Board of Advisors tab.
Position Descriptions – Board of Advisors (BOA)
Chair, BOA

The Chair serves a one-year term with the responsibility of contributing to the direction of RLO and the fulfillment of its goals.
  • Participates as a member of the BOA, attending quarterly BOA meetings.
  • Set objectives and develop action plans for the BOA.
  • Listens and responds appropriately to BOA members and the general Membership.
  • Develop agendas for all BOA meetings at a pre-planning meeting with the RLO Chief Operating Officer, the RLO General Manager, and the BOA Vice-Chair.
  • Works closely with all Committee Chairs regarding Committee needs, issues, and progress, attending each Committee meeting and MAL meetings when available.

Vice-Chair, BOA
The Vice-Chair serves a one-year term and becomes the Chair following completion of his/her term as Vice-Chair. 
  • Participates as a member of the BOA, attending quarterly BOA meetings.
  • Assists in the development of agendas for all BOA meetings at a pre-planning meeting with the RLO Chief Operating Officer, the RLO General Manager, and the BOA Chair.
  • Attends each Committee meeting and MAL meeting twice during the year.
  • Assists the Chair with duties as may be assigned.
  • Chairs the BOA Meeting when the Chair is absent.
  • Attends all special meetings at the request of the Chair.
  • Shadows the Chair in preparation for assuming the Chair’s position the following year.

Chair, Events Committee
The Chair of the Events Committee serves a three-year term, approved by the BOA.
  • Participates as a member of the BOA, attending quarterly BOA meetings.
  • Convenes quarterly meetings of the Events Committee.
  • Provide leadership for achieving the committee’s goals by directing, monitoring, and evaluating Committee activities.
  • Set objectives and develop action plans with committee members; identify potential problems and opportunities.
  • Works effectively toward common goals as a Board and committee member.
  • Maintains communications with Events Committee members and ensures creation of Minutes of Committee meetings.

Chair, Food & Beverage Committee
The Chair of the Food & Beverage Committee serves a three-year term, approved by the BOA.
  • Participates as a member of the BOA, attending quarterly BOA meetings.
  • Convenes quarterly meetings of the Food & Beverage Committee.
  • Provide leadership for achieving the committee’s goals by directing, monitoring, and evaluating Committee activities.
  • Set objectives and develop action plans with committee members; identify potential problems and opportunities.
  • Works effectively toward common goals as a BOA and Committee member.
  • Maintains communications with Food & Beverage Committee members and ensures creation of Minutes of Committee meetings/activities.
Chair, Golf Committee
The Chair of the Golf Committee serves a three-year term, approved by the BOA. 
  • Participates as a member of the BOA, attending quarterly BOA meetings.
  • Convenes quarterly meetings of the Golf Committee.
  • Provides leadership for achieving Committee’s goals by directing, monitoring, and evaluating Committee activities.
  • Sets objectives and develops action plans with Committee members; identifies potential problems and opportunities.
  • Works effectively toward common goals as a BOA and Committee member.
  • Maintains communications with Committee members and ensures creation of Minutes of Committee meetings/activities.
Chair, Greens Committee
The Chair of the Greens Committee serves a three-year term, approved by the BOA.
  • Participates as a member of the BOA, attending quarterly BOA meetings.
  • Convenes quarterly meetings of the Greens Committee.
  • Provides leadership for achieving Committee’s goals by directing, monitoring, and evaluating Committee activities.
  • Sets objectives and develops action plans with Committee members; identifies potential problems and opportunities.
  • Works effectively toward common goals as a BOA and Committee member.
  • Maintains communications with Committee members and ensures creation of Minutes of Committee meetings/activities.
 Chair, Wellness & Recreation Committee
The Chair of the Wellness & Recreation Committee serves a three-year term, approved by the BOA.
  • Participates as a member of the BOA, attending quarterly BOA meetings.
  • Convenes quarterly meetings of the Wellness & Recreation Committee.
  • Provides leadership for achieving Committee’s goals by directing, monitoring, and evaluating Committee activities.
  • Sets objectives and develops action plans with Committee members; identifies potential problems and opportunities.
  • Works effectively toward common goals as a BOA and Committee member.
  • Maintains communications with Committee members and ensures creation of Minutes of Committee meetings/activities.
Members at Large (MALs)
There are four (4) MALs who each serve a three-year term on the BOA. One of the four MALs serves as the Lead MAL. The MALs are selected directly from BOA Committee membership based on an application and interview process and as approved by the BOA. In addition to providing individual and independent views, MAL duties include:
  • Participation as a member of the BOA, with attendance at quarterly meetings and all other called meetings.
  • Attendance and participation in Committee meetings during the year, whenever possible.
  • Leadership of the annual Employee Appreciation Fund campaign.
  • Oversight of the BOA New Advisor Orientation Conference.
  • Liaison between RLO Management and the general Membership on issues of interest or concern, particularly on topics that fall outside the purview of other BOA Committees.
  • Determination of opinions, intensity, and pervasiveness of issues through collaborative efforts with RLO Management.
  • Oversight of timeline, application, term, and nomination guidelines process for the selection of new MALs and Committee Members.
  • Preparation of BOA Minutes and The Highlights communications for distribution to the Membership.
September 6, 2024 - Meeting Minutes View
June 7, 2024 - Meeting Minutes View
March 8, 2024 - Meeting Minutes View
December 1, 2023 - Meeting Minutes View
September 9, 2023 - Meeting Minutes View
March 2024 - Archived Highlights View

Reynolds Lake Oconee Board of Advisors


Drew Santee


Chair, Board of Advisors


Linda Moore


Vice Chair, Board of Advisors


Scott Hein


Chair, Wellness & Recreation Committee


Rick Klotz


Chair, Golf Committee


Kaye Sutterer


Chair, Greens Committee


Michael Nelson


Chair, Events Committee


Bill Bonnington


Chair, Food & Beverage Committee


Pat Fleet


Member at Large, Board of Advisors


Larry Buchanan


Member at Large, Board of Advisors


Greg Tantum


Member at Large, Board of Advisors